Lotte’s Dangerous Crisis Management
Pandora’s Box for Lotte

Han Seung-bum (CEO, Maccine Korea Ltd.)

KATUSA (KATUSA, Korean Augmentation To the United States Army) refers to Korean soldiers who are augmented to the US 8th Army. Simply but, these are South Korean soldiers who live and work with various units under the US 8th Army. There is one less known “perk” that these KATUSA soldiers enjoy: They can take off both Korean and American national holidays. Such ambiguous identity as “Korean soldiers augmented to the US Army” offer these soldiers other privileges, and they amplify their Korean Army affiliation when in trouble with the US Army authorities, while emphasizing their identity as US Army augmentees when met with Korean military police. As such, jobs that involve two countries, such as embassy or foreign company jobs, may enjoy “perks” as explained above with a high likelihood.

Lotte is a world-class corporation that was nurtured by its founder Shin Kyuk-ho, who set up shop in both South Korea and Japan. Lotte has a more beautiful image than other companies, as many Japanese tourists to Korea visit Lotte Hotel and Lotte World amusement park, generating profits for South Korea. Shin Kyuk-ho is also a renowned patriot in South Korea, which enabled his company to take on mega-scale projects in the country. Lotte is probably the company that is loved the most in both South Korea and Japan.

The unexpected “Conflict of the Princes” at Lotte is spiraling down to a maelstrom, with many eyes watching where the crisis of the company will go. Consumers are boycotting Lotte products, and the civil society is urging the government to investigate the company’s cross-shareholding structure. The confusion is adding to the uncertainty as to whether the government will re-certify the two Lotte Duty Free Stores. From a corporate crisis management perspective, there is no doubt that these are bad situations. But Lotte’s true crisis lies elsewhere: that is, the people have seen the “perks” enjoyed by the company in South Korea and Japan. The Pandora’s Box that Lotte has worked so hard to conceal has been opened.

The founder Shin Kyuk-ho has two names, the other one being his Japanese one, Shigemitsu Takeo. The same goes for Shin Dong-bin (Shigemitsu Akio), the chairman of the Lotte Korea. Let us compare Lotte with another recent corporate crisis. The crisis met by Korean Air, prompted by the so-called “Nut Rage Incident,” ended tragically with the company’s vice president, Cho Hyun-ah, ending up behind bars. However, despite the fact that many internet users called to boycott Korean Air, the company’s stock prices stayed strong. The reason for this is simple: the internet users were not the primary consumers of Korean Air’s products. But Lotte is a completely different case, since it operates confectionary, food, beverage, department stores, warehouse markets, and convenience stores, which are easily accessible to a broader base of consumers. The boycotting movement may become critical to Lotte’s survival.

Below are several corporate crisis management variables that provide a forecast for Lotte’s current crisis.

1. Has the company been “good” generally?

Numerous interested parties have already begun to accuse Lotte, saying that that they have been damaged by actions taken by the company. Media is not on Lotte’s side, either. Lotte employs the most people in South Korea, directly hiring around 120,000 and 350,000 if counting indirect employment through its partners. These 350,000 people may prove to have a negative impact for the current situation.

2. Are there gossips around the company?

When discussing corporate crisis, the size of gossip around the company is an important facture.

Lotte’s power struggle dubbed “Conflict of the Princes” sparked the crisis. This crisis harbors many dramatic elements including “secret of birth,” “battle of the century,” “lower stock prices,” and “legal disputes.” I for one think that the Lotte gossip will go on to next year.

3. Is there a fandom?

Whether there is a force that provide support for the company until the end when it is in crisis is an important element of crisis management. The first that comes to mind in this case is the fans of the baseball team Lotte Giants, but they have turned against the company a long time ago. Lotte most aggressively create friendly forces. There must be a 1% of people who will defend the company until the end even though the rest criticizes the company. A unilateral criticism on the web creates bad press among the people, which will lead to a tragic end to this crisis.

Looking at the situation under these simple criteria of corporate crisis management, it is likely that Lotte will face a historical level of crisis. Going back to the introduction, serving as a KATUSA is not only “perks.” About fifty percent into the compulsory service, they begin thinking that working in the Korean Army units may be better, since the US Army units do not belong to a different country. I knew a Korean-Japanese friend when I was studying abroad in Moscow, who always used to complain that he was treated like a Korean in Japan, but like a Japanese in Korea. As such, the “perks” brought by the ambiguous identity can turn into a “disadvantage” in a very short amount of time.



マキシンコリア代表 ハン・スンボム

KATUSA(Korean Augmentation To the United States Army)は、「米8軍に増強された韓国軍陸軍兵士」である。簡単に言うと、中韓米8軍の各部隊で米軍と一緒に生活しながら任務を遂行する韓国陸軍所属の兵士である。このKATUSAの名前には人々があまり知らない「すごい面白味」が隠されている。それは、韓国の祝日と米国の祝日の両方休めるということだ。「米軍に増強された韓国軍」という曖昧なアイデンティティは、この他にもいくつかの利点を享受している。米軍で困難なことに直面すると、「私は韓国軍だ」と強弁し、外出中に韓国軍憲兵に会えば「米軍に増強された」ということを強調している。このように両国に絡んだ職業軍、例えば大使館、外資系の会社に勤務している場合は、このような「すごい面白味」を享受する可能性が高い。













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